Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Llama lookout

Cusco is beautiful. The lush center square is surrounded by churches and framed by rolling hills with colorful homes. Luis met us the moment Sandra and I arrived from the bus. Over the next few days we adventured through the markets, found a great price for the inca jungle trail(to Machu Picchu), and made music in the main plaza. Sandra played the violin and at times I sang along, a comical feat given that I've lost my voice. The day before our hike the agency called us to postpone the treck. We decided to cancel, and instead spend time in Hurubanba visiting Luis's great grandmother mama Julia . Her smile seemed to float her over to Luis and, after a long hug, she invited us to the table. With grand gestures she told us stories and fed us with bananas and inca popcorn. The next morning mama Julia walked us to the gate and we bowed our heads in prayer as she asked god to watch over us and bless our journey. The train to aguas calientes follows the river wedged between the mountains. That looked ethereal draped in mist. We took the short hike up to the hot springs, a treat on our foggy day. At 3am the next morning we set out to Machu Picchu, and climbed up the mountain as the sun rose.

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